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Sunday, 25 February 2018
More Singling
Topic: Bible Journaling

In the midst of a long conversation in Facebook among several of us using the Rejoice font (shared here on the 23rd), someone mentioned it might be fun to use the musical staff to write out the word Lord.

That sounded intriguing to me so I looked up a scripture and had a go at it. It ended up in my Bible only a couple of pages from my previous one in the same font, but I'm OK with that.

For this one I used Psalm 27:6.

It does make the word take up a large amount of space, but with a shorter word like this it is manageable.



Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 7:59 PM PST
Friday, 23 February 2018
Rejoice With Bible Journaling
Topic: Bible Journaling

Time to wrap up another week of lettering lessons. This font is such a departure from any that have gone before.

I found the original alphabet on the web but did a lot of editing and substituting of letter forms to ones I liked better. So here's the lesson plan:


This week we’re going to learn a font that uses and mimics musical notations in place of letters. It kind of looks like a code and we are going to work with the word ‘rejoice’.

Right up front, I’ll tell you that this is NOT a precise font. Sizes of the letters vary and can be adjusted to suit yourself. Letters can move up or down from the baseline to put a little bounce in the step. If you don’t like the form given for the letter, go ahead and draw up one you like better. You get a LOT of leeway on this font. 

Here are the letter forms I’ve drawn up for ‘rejoice’. Sketch in pencil, refining as you go. Write several times. Select your best effort and trace over it in ink. Then erase the pencil.

Crank up the music and get writing! 


Are you ready for the whole crazy ‘rejoice’ alphabet?

As I mentioned yesterday, this font is completely customizable. As long as your letter form has some resemblance to the real letter and some element that evokes the feeling of music, you are good to go!

I hope that’s not too much freedom for you!

Don’t forget to vary the sizes and the positions on the base line. In fact, as you begin writing words later in the week, these two elements can change from your alphabet and change within the piece you are writing.

What are you singing in you head as you are writing these letters?


Today I will show you how to change those ‘twisty ribbons’ we’ve learned into musical staffs. THERE WILL BE FOUR POSTS WITH PICTURES.

You will start by drawing a softly waving line looping around your page. Leave white space on the page as you will want it to write in.

Add a second line with space separating them. Let the lines cross over but immediately open them out to the same width apart.

Add a line down through the center. This should pass directly through the place where the lines cross.

Add another line, evenly spaced between the center and each side. You will end up with 5 lines.

Close both ends with a double line that is perpendicular to the 5 lines.

Practice till your staff flows naturally around the page. Use your very thinnest tipped pen to ink over your lines. Erase the pencil.

Set this aside – you’ll use it tomorrow.


Today we’re going to use the twisty staff you made yesterday as a foundation for lettering a verse with the word ‘rejoice’.

Remember that you can still vary the size and position of your letters. Try not to go TOO sideways with them as they can quickly become unreadable.

Pencil-Ink-Erase. Add little random notes along the empty spaces on the staff.


In our Bible were going to use the lettering off to the side and let the twisty ribbon staff travel over the rest of the page.

Look at the example to get the feel for some note forms you can use to randomly fill the staff. There is no need to make a real musical score out of this (unless you’re into that sort of thing) nor to mark bars, rests and all. Remember, we’re just trying to evoke a feeling or impression here.

No need for color on this page, either. Music IS black and white.


I sure hope you’ve had fun with the ‘rejoice’ font this week. I certainly have.



Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:19 PM PST
Thursday, 22 February 2018
Lenten Bible Journaling
Topic: Bible Journaling

I have four more pages done for the Lenten Bible Journaling challenge. The list of passages we are working from originally came from a devotional study. But I don't have the book so any insights I have are probably not related to that study at all!

I find that, in looking at the pages done by others in the Facebook group, we are all seeing something different in these passages so we get the benefit of 'many minds' in our sharing.

February 19 - Genesis 40:8-12

February 20 - Exedous 12:1-13

February 21 - 1 Samuel 2:1-13

February 22 - 1 Samuel 2:27-36

This series will be continued....


Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 9:30 AM PST
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Every Quilt Counts
Topic: Quilting

When I went to log this quilt into my spreadsheet I realized this is the 70th one I have made for the hospital's Passages program. I am so glad that this program exists and that I have a place to donate the quilts I make where they will serve as a comfort to a dying patient and a remembrance for their survivors.

The fabrics for this are more from the stash we were given by the family of a recently deceased quilter. 

I used two reds, two greens, two blues and two browns - each color having a dark and a light version. The colors were chosen out of the focus fabric which is printed with a faux quilt pattern.

The quilting is done with diagonal lines both directions through the frames and squares.




Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 11:10 PM PST
Saturday, 17 February 2018
Left Behind
Topic: Quilting

Back in December there was a lady who received one of our Passages quilts at the local hospital. When she passed away, her family contacted our group with the offer of all of the fabric their mother had in her house. You see... she was a quilter!.

So three of us went and picked up about 14 totes-worth of fabrics and sorted them all out. We had a 'stash bash' where anyone in our group (and several people from other groups we had invited) chose whatever we wanted to work with.

So far, I have made 4 quilts from her materials:

This first baby quilt will go to the pregnancy center. The center portion had alteady been pieced, perhaps with the intention of using it for a pillow. I used coordinating fabrics to add multiple borders to extend the size to 40 inches.

From a different donation we had on hand some flannel and some polyester batting. I quilted it with three sizes of hearts and it is so cute with all that puffiness!

The second baby quilt was constructed with the online instructions for a 'disappearing hourglass' block. It also finished at 40 inches and got a flannel backing.

Third up is a quilt that will go to the Passages program. On this one, our donating lady had completed the ladder portions of fabric strips. I used more of her stash to create sashings to set these into a lap quilt size.

And last is a rail fence quilt that started as a striped fabric. Those stripes were of alternating prints of 'pieced fabrics'.

I cut apart all those stripes and alternated them with a coordinating stripe. With sections that were 4 strips wide, I cut them to make square blocks and then twisted back and forth to complete the rail-fence layout.

This is lap quilt size and will also go to the Passages progerm.

So, the donation of a quilt led to the gift of fabric which was made into quilts to make more donations... full circle.

The gift goes on.






Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:40 PM PST
Lenten Journaling - days 2-4
Topic: Bible Journaling

The second day of the Lent Bible Journaling was on a passage I had already drawn in my Bible. So I contemplated on the verses but posted to the group the spread I had done on the covenant of the rainbow.

On day three we studied on the covenant with Abram over the promise of his posession of the land.

Then on day four the study was on God's provision of a substitute for Isaac when Abraham was sent to the mountain to sacrifice him.

More to come.






Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:26 PM PST
Friday, 16 February 2018
Use of Doodle Heart
Topic: Bible Journaling

I used the other of the doodled hearts on a Bible page (the one not used yesterday). I combined it with more of the text from the Lettering Lodge.

This time I included the stitching and hearts in the letters.


It is good to combine these two activities!


Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:22 PM PST
Bible Journaling - Coloaaians 2:3
Topic: Bible Journaling

Another week of lettering lessons! I love how every lettering style speaks in a different way. We who are teaching try to select a font that reflects the spirit of the word we are going to focus on.

Monday we got lots of letters to practice because the focus word was a long one... 'treasured'.

The font was not a squared as I made it but I liked my version better. It has hearts embedded in each letter and little 'stitching' lines along one line. These can both be moved to suit yourself.

On Tuesday we got the whole alphabet. This is an all-caps font.

I liked the way the letters looked when I squared them off on Monday so I kept doing that for my exemplar.

Wednesday was for making an acrostic with the letters from 'treasured'. I made all of mine action words.

I made my initial letters bigger and filled in their hearts. On the rest of the letters I left the hearts hollow.

I made little banners to make the initial letters stand out.

Thursday was the day to use the new fontto write out a verse.

I used the hearts in the illustration so I left them (and the stitches) off the letters.

Friday we move on to using the letters in our Bible.

I used one of the hearts from the Drawing Room on my page and left off the hearts and stitches again on the letters.


And that wraps up another week.


Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:02 PM PST
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Drawing Room - Hearts
Topic: Drawing

The new Drawing Room downloads have been posted on the Creative Bible Journaling site.

This week I drew up multiple styles of hearts to be used in their Bibles since it was Valentine's Day.

You can go download a 'Tangled Heart' and a 'Filigree Heart'at  http://creative-bible-journaling.com/drawing-room-tutorial-102-hearts-filigree-and-tangled/

Here are the samples:

In addition to these, I drew up three more to post later in the week. No breakouts of the steps in the pictures but easy to follow along on the bullet points.

Feel free to download these lessons for your own use.





Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:39 PM PST
Bible Journaling for Lent - Day 1
Topic: Bible Journaling

A small group of us are part of a Lenten Bible Journaling challenge and are posting our work on a closed Facebook site.

The passage for today was Genesis 3:14-19 dealing with the consequences of the sins of Adam and Eve. 

For my artwork I placed the tree/garden behind a barbed wire fence and added Eve in labor and Adam working the soil while the serpent bites his heel.

The journaling I added is titled 'because you have done this...' and a paragraph 'there are always consequences to disobedience - not only to be paid by us, but also those around us and those who come after us. This was not just the fall of a man but of mankind. One sin opens the door to more.'

Looking forward to the rest of this daily challenge.



Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:29 PM PST
Friday, 9 February 2018
Bible Journaling and Lettering - Crown
Topic: Bible Journaling

It was my week to teach a lettering lesson again and I chose one that reminded me of a crown. So 'crown' was the focus word I ask them to focus on in their homework.

Here is the tutorial:

MONDAY - In a few simple steps, you can create this regal lettering style we’re calling ‘Crown’. I embedded the notes on the steps into the illustration, so you can, if you wish, print it out and have the samples and steps all in one!

In pencil, sketch out the basic letter forms. Note the common elements in this style: there are serifs top and bottom, some letters have a trailing leg (R and N).

Draw a guideline across the midline of the word. Add crown shapes as shown, striving for consistency.

When the letters are just as you like, ink the crowns, then the tops. Erase the pencil lines.

Color the tops and bottoms of the letters with different colors to emphasize the forms.

TUESDAY - Today we’ll learn to draw the whole alphabet in the ‘crown’ font. This is a ‘caps only’ style.

Remember the steps we went through yesterday:

·         sketch out and finalize the base shapes

·         note the common elements (serifs and trailing legs)

·         draw a pencil guideline across the midline

·         use midline to draw in the crown tops

·         ink the letters

·         erase the pencil.

Show us your beautiful alphabet!

WEDNESDAY - I just love how this font looks so regal. It works perfectly for writing an affirmation of our standing with the King of Kings.

There is better effect when the featured font is used judiciously. Those words will just pop off the page when combined with a simpler font.

I added some vines as dividers on my page and colored everything with colored pencils – gold and purple, both royal colors!

Remember the P-I-E: pencil-ink-erase when you write your own affirmation page.

THURSDAY - Today we’ll write out a scripture using our feature word (crown) and the new font.

I used faux brush lettering as a complement to the regal ‘crown’ letters.

I employed a rainbow of colors to carry the eye from top to bottom.

FRIDAY - Today we finally get to take the font we have learned into our Bible. Find a scripture that uses the word ‘crown’ and journal it.

I used faux brush lettering again but also included the simple straight letters.

The gold gel-pen I used on parts of the crown don’t agree with my camera so you get a broken image over there. Sorry about that.

NOTE: It is especially important when working in your Bible to sketch in pencil, ink over it and erase the pencil so you can ensure that spellings, spacings and letter forms are just as you want them before the final version is locked in. Do the pencil work lightly so it will erase easily.

Won’t you give this a try and show us your work?

I don't know what alphabet I will be teaching next but I do know there will be a Drawing Room tutorial on Wednesday!


Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 10:56 PM PST
Wednesday, 7 February 2018
The Drawing Room is Open!
Topic: Drawing

I've been mentioning for some time the Bible Journaling Facebook page that I joined last year. I found them through an 'advertisement' on my Facebook feed. I first got involved with the weekly lessons in the Lettering Lodge and eventually became a co-leader of that topic thread. Then, at the first of the year, I started participating in the 'Devo Den' where we are working through a daily devotional book that includes coloring. I also began following along in the 'Scripture Writing Desk' where we write out the assigned scripture of the day.

In the midst of all that, I became interested in providing a way to help others draw simple illustrations to use in their Bible journaling. I suggested a new thread called 'The Drawing Room' and volunteered to staff it.

So, today is the first posting there! I do step-by-step drawings followed by a finished color version and write simple directions. Susan makes the lessons look consistent with a banner, frames, typing the instructions and posting to both the Facebook page (member site) and the website (where resources are open to everyone).

I can't direct you to the Facebook page but you can see and download the resources from the website at http://creative-bible-journaling.com/the-drawing-room-lesson-101-wavy-rose/ 

While you're there, have a look around, there may be more resources you'd like to access!

This is what the first lesson teaches:

This will become a regular, weekly thread (new lesson every Wednesday) on the Creative Bible Journaling site. I will link new lessons here - finished artwork only - so you can go download the lesson if you wish.



Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 10:16 AM PST
Friday, 2 February 2018
Bible Journaling - A Quiet Place
Topic: Bible Journaling

Language is a funny thing. Did you ever notice that, when you say a single word over and over and over, after a while it starts to sound strange? Or when you write the same word repeatedly, it begins to look wrong? That is the sensation I had this week as I worked on lettering with the word 'quiet'.

The font we learned was a serif print with elegant swoops on the upper-case letters.

Monday -

Of course, the hardest letter in this turned out to be the Q! Many of us had problems with that. I finally found that I had to draw my circle counter-clockwise from the lower right and then go back and add the bottom swoop.

Tuesday -

I could see on the sample sheet we were given that there were going to be a lot of swoops and swishes that were common between the letters. So I took a few minutes to practice those first, before starting in on writing out the alphabet. I love the 'a' and 'g' in this font.

Wednesday -

We searched for words in the Bible that started with each letter in the word 'quiet' and used them to make an acrosstic. I chose mine to create little phrases that I thought ended up sounding like Proverbs. I also tried out some artwork that I thought I might want to use later in the week.

Thursday -

The assignment, to write out a scripture containing the word 'quiet', was done at the end of a day with a lot of going here and there. I looked at the list of references I had written down and this one just called to me!

I did the lettering first and then drew out the scene piece by piece in pencil. I inked it with a thinner pen weight and colored using the most pastel of my colored pencils.

Friday -

I used the flower I had practiced with on Wednesday and much brighter colors than Thursday when I did theis page in my Bible. I had to learn to work at a different scale for the lettering as, all week long, the work was done on a 1/4-inch dot-grid paper making the upper-case letters 3/4-inch high. The journaling lines in my Bible are about 3/16-inch spacing making those same letters much smaller.

When a scripture does not call a specific image to mind, I often will feature florals.


Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 10:16 AM PST
Friday, 26 January 2018
Delighted to Teach Lettering
Topic: Bible Journaling

It was my turn to teach a new font in the Lettering Lodge this week. I found one online that was only a lower-case and started the week with that. On Thursday, I realized how much an upper-case was needed so I developed my own and shared it with the group. They got it just in time to use in their Bibles for the Friday assignment, but I'll share it here in the correct place for learning.

Here is the lesson plan:

MONDAY - With a lighthearted font we are going to focus this week on the word ‘delight’.

Use a pencil to practice these letters. First make note of that bubble in the upper right for an important clue to the basic letter structure. You can see my first word attempt is not too great! It’s best if you use the lower (inked) examples as your guide. It also took me several tries to get my letters to stand up straight (a common problem for me).

On my second attempt I made the posts thicker. Also, see the note on that line on how the bottom loops drop below the base line.

On the third example you can see I had a lot of trouble with the letter ‘g’. This is why we work in pencil first!

When you get an example of the word as you like it, trace it in ink. Then erase the pencil. And, finally, color the letters (if you choose).

TUESDAY -For Tuesday’s lesson we are going to tackle the full alphabet. Before beginning, you’ll want to pencil in guidelines all the way down your page. Use the guide at the upper left of the illustration for the spacing of the ascender, x-height, base and descender lines.

Remember, as you draw your font, work in pencil first. Then ink letters. I did not erase my pencil so you could see that I am STILL having problems with that letter ‘g’!  What letter is hard for you?

Don't forget to erase your pencil after inking.

I designed an upper-case for this font as well.

WEDNESDAY - Today, you’ll practice letter spacing by writing out some words you associate with the word ‘delight’.

I used four lines for my words and then used one whole line writing that troublesome ‘g’ over and over. I think I finally got the hang of it! Try this with your hard letters: leave the mistakes, move over and do it over, making adjustments. Try to make three good ones in a row. You might end up with a whole page of these practices if you have more than a couple of 'problem child' letters!

I think my favorite letter is the ‘e’ although that ‘a’ kinda makes me happy, too.

Ink your words, erase the pencil and show us your work. (You don’t need to show all your boo-boos like I did, if you’d rather not!)

THURSDAY - Now that we’ve all whipped these letters into shape, we’ll be working on plain paper or in your workbook or journal, and using the new font to write a scripture with ‘delight’ in it.

Whenever I read this scripture, I am always reminded of a pastor telling us that the ‘desires of your heart’ will be in keeping with the will of God if you are truly taking your delight in the Lord. This scripture is not telling us that if we pray we will get everything we want!

After inking and erasing the pencil, have some fun coloring and decorating your piece. I put a little loop in the top of my hearts in keeping with the lettering style.

FRIDAY - Today we take the ‘delight’ font to our Bible.

Choose a scripture with the focus word and use the new lettering to journal in your Bible. I wrote the whole scripture with it, but you could certainly use it for only some of the lettering and mix in other styles for other words. If you do this, keep in mind that a rather plain san-serif font will go best with this very ‘frilly’ one.

I used a finer pen for this lettering than in my practices and it changed the readability of the ‘m’ and ‘n’ letters. After I photographed this, I went back with a thicker pen and traced over the angled lines in those two letters throughout the page.

I wish I’d had an upper-case for the leading ‘I’ and for the ‘G’ in god. On Thursday (long after this page was completed) I went ahead and developed a full upper-case for this font. You’ll have the advantage of having that available when you do your Bible page. (See entry for Tuesday, above)

Note: I used gold gel pen on my page and, though I really like it in person, it has confused my camera a bit.

So that's it for another week of lettering lessons.


Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 10:43 AM PST
Friday, 19 January 2018
Bible Journaling and Lettering - Shadowed Blocks
Topic: Bible Journaling

Five days of lettering lessons online have brought us again to a finished journaling page in the Bible. This week the focus word was 'light' and we learned a shadowed block style based on our own handwriting (printing).

Monday, we learned the basic technique:

Tuesday, we worked out out own alphabet based on the techniques learned on Monday. You'll note that the Monday page is done with a looser style and overlapping letters. For my alphabet reference page, I wanted the letters to be more consistent as they can always be edited to a more casual style when put into use. Instead, I used my alphabet to experiment with shadowing styles.

This block letter style uses shadowing only on one side, not on two ajacent which would show more 3D.

Wednesday, we used our lettering to write words having to do with light. I had an image come to me and used that to draw up a display piece.

On Thursday, I used the font to do my daily scripture writing lesson even though it did not contain the focus word. It did give me a lot of practice in overlapping the letters, though.

And, today (Friday) I have my finished journaling page in my Bible using the font.

Where the letter components crossed one another, I inserted little nails to hold them together!







Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 10:29 AM PST
Thursday, 18 January 2018
Bible Journaling Psalm 42:1
Topic: Bible Journaling

More often than not these days, my Bible journaling pages are assignments for the Lettering Lodge : use the font of the week on a verse that contains the word of the week.

However, every now and then, there is an image in my head or a verse that speaks to me that I want to illustrate in my Bible, outside of the constraints of someone else's 'vision'.

This was the case today when I wanted to use a deer that I had created as a step-by-step drawing lesson earlier in the week. I've always liked the chorus we've sung in church that is based on this verse in Psalms.

I put the two together, along with a font I shared when I taught the lesson called 'blessed'.

I colored, as usual, with Prismacolor pencils including tracing over the letters with a light-bright green so they did not get lost in the text.

Every time I look at this, I find myself singing... 

"As the deer panteth for the water
So my soul longeth after thee
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship thee
You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship thee
You're my friend and you are my brother
Even though you are a king
I love you more than any other
So much more than anything
You alone are my strength, my shield
To you alone may my spirit yield
You alone are my heart's desire
And I long to worship you"



Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 4:37 PM PST
Friday, 12 January 2018
Bible Journaling 'Great'
Topic: Bible Journaling

This week, in the Lettering Lodge, we worked with a modern faux-brush script and focused on the word 'great'.

That upper-case G was a real bear for me to get the hang of! You can easily see this from the initial sketches of the word I did on Monday.

As you can see, I made notes to myself on areas and methods for improvement.

I had more success with the full alphabet. This is a font presented in the book 'Hand Lettering For Relaxation' by Amy Latta.

There are some neat letter forms in this font.

On Wednesday, we practiced some of the doodles taught in the same book (circle flowers and twisted ribbons) while illustrating the lyrics of a song using the word 'great'.

I went up to a 8 x 10.5 sheet of dot grid paper rather than the little half sized sheets used the first two days.

On Thursday, I used a larger sheet of paper again and illustrated a scripture with the focus word.

I had fun decorating this one using doodle lines, colored pencil woodgrain, shading for dimension and a layout that just popped into my head when I read the scripture, John 3:30.

Friday is always the day we use the new font and focus word in our Bible.

I am pleased with how much better I am becoming at drawing hands.

Refernce for this is 1 John 3:1.







Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 9:45 PM PST
Monday, 8 January 2018
Casting Cares - Bbile Journaling
Topic: Bible Journaling

The first of the year I joined in two more threads of the Creative Bible Journaling Facebook site - Scripture Writing and a 365 devotional book. Both of them have had a focus so far on worry, anxiety and trust in God.

In wondering how to illustrate something like this I started by sketching a backpack "burden" and then added a stack of books next to it. I started thinking about things that people commonly worry about and one by one sketched them in: coffee (for social life), calendar, alarm clock (time), credit cards, overdue bill, and a bag of groceries (day-to-day necessities).

I traced it into my Bible using pencil and then inked it in. I erased the pencil before adding color.

I added the scripture reference using the font we are learning in the Lettering Lodge this week.



Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 5:27 PM PST
Friday, 5 January 2018
We're Ba-a-a-a-k
Topic: Bible Journaling

After a week off between the holidays, the Lettering Lodge was back this week on the CBJ Facebook Group. GOOD, I was having withdrawl!

The font we used this week was titled 'NEW' and it features long triangles and dots alongside them. 

The first day, as usual, we just got the introduction to the font with the focus word.

On day two we saw and practiced the whole alphabet. This font has both upper- and lower-case letters. I chose to use just three dots per letter (unlike the samples) and made the dots on the upper-case larger than those on the lower-case. Just styling choices.

I refered back to the sample and included serifs on my letters and let intersections overlap.

You can't tell on my photo but the blue letters have green dots and the red letters have orange dots.

We were encouraged, on day three, to make a list of things we found in our Bibles that were described as 'new'. I turned mine into a statement and included the word 'news'.

For day four, we were to write out a scripture on paper using the word 'new'. I chose 2 Corinthians 5:17.

That is a LOT of dots! Just a little busy for my taste.

Because of the overwhelming number of dots AND the space this font takes up, I decided to combine it with a different font. This allows the emphasis to be pulled to only selected words.

I used Acts 10:36 as my reference.

I keyed off the triangular shape of the letters and crossing intersections to make the cross fit in with the featured font. I added some internal lines on the cross and used two colors to make it look 3D.

If I were to use much larger letters on a project, I might use this 3D effect on them. I think it would add a lot of interest. I would probably leave off the dots, in that case.




Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 4:18 PM PST
Thursday, 4 January 2018
Not Really Color-Coded
Topic: Bible Journaling

I've been using my journaling Bible as a study Bible lately and was getting frustrated skipping back and forth trying to find references.

I remembered that, in one of the Bible journaling books I had, there were tabs for the books of the Bible.

The way they are colored on the sticker sheet, if you place them on the pages with 6 tabs top to bottom, the whole thing makes a very delightful soft gradation of color.

these are the only stickers I have used from the book but I may use others on cards. Stickers in my Bible are 'not my thing.'



Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 4:11 PM PST

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