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In & Out of Studio 3D
Friday, 6 October 2023
Craft Fair - Bib Clips
Topic: Other Hobbies

Next up in my craft fair creations was something I've had on my list for YEARS. A friend had made some to give each of the attendees of a small papercrafts group meetup and I've always wanted to make some, too.

These consist of a length of narrow ribbon with tiny clothespins glued to the ends. The ribbon is placed around the back of the neck and a napkin clipped to the ends to create an instant bib.

They don't take up a lot of room so can be carried for use in  restaurant or for eating in the car.

I had a little jar of clothespins on hand and I sorted them into matching pairs and coordinated the ribbon with each set.

I made 17 of these priced at $1:

A copy of the little instruction sheet shown in the display is also tucked into the back of each bag.



Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 12:01 AM PDT
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Topic: Other Hobbies

M-A-N-Y many years ago I took some college classes in weaving. I recently ran across several projects that had been long stored and thought I'd share them.

This is a kilt I made for my hubby in his family's tartan (Royal Stewart). I wove 6 yards of fabric, designed and made the kilt.

There was enough yardage left that I made a miniature kilt for our son (about age 1) and this neck scarf for my father-in-law.

My weaving was back in the day when long skirts were the thing. I made this houndstooth weave for my mom.

This skirt I made for myself - plain weave with a border of pattern weave at the bottom.

I made baby blankets for each of my kids but don't have either of those handy to show. I do have this wall hanging that I made with 100 handmade brass bells woven in.

I do still have a floor loom but have not had a project on it for at least 25 years. So many hobbies, so little time.


Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 12:01 AM PST
Monday, 14 January 2013
Woven Falls
Topic: Other Hobbies

Oh, the joy of looking through huge boxes of old photos with adult children! Many memories, laughs and stories later, I pulled out a couple of art projects from 'w-a-a-a-y' back to share with you.

More than 30 years ago I made this wall hanging for my folks. It is an image of Multnomah Falls in Oregon. I wrapped a metal hoop with yarn then used a needle to string a warp of yarns vertically. This became the base for a tapestry weaving for the background. The falls themselves are in freefall made of a slub yarn. The trees are made in a rag rug style by tying tufts of yarn onto the base and then trimming them to shape. The bridge - an iconic part of the falls view - is crocheted.

Sorry about the quality of the photo as it is a digital pic of a printed snapshot.

I used to do a lot of weaving back in the 70's and may show some more of those projects along the way. I still have a few of them after all these years. I still have my floor loom, too, but haven't had a warp on it since about 1983!





Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 12:01 AM PST
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Creepy Green
Topic: Other Hobbies

Halloween has come again and we were off the other nite to a costume party. We always try to go as a 'couple' with costumes that are tied to one another and this year was no exception. We decided to go as Shrek and Fiona.

Hubby shaved his head for the green face paint and I made him 'ears' of green felt mounted on a green child's headband. Tan pants and black boots were topped with a white long-sleeved tee. He wore his belt on the outside and I made his cut-down vest out of an old black sweatshirt. I cut away the sleeves and neck and shortened it before  binding all the edges with bias tape. The ends of the bias tape were used to tie the vest closed.

I made more of my costume by using a satin fabric to sew a dress based on a pattern for a peasant blouse. I simply lengthened it and then used some decorative trim as a tie to create an empire waist. I created the headpiece by coloring the stones on a child's crown with alcohol inks (they started out purple) and attaching the 'ears' made from green felt with hot glue. I sprayed red coloring in my hair and used green face paint (horrible stuff - always turns out blotchy). Simple black shoes were all that it needed for completion of this outfit.

Happy Haunting!





Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 12:01 AM PDT
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Can You Hear Me Now?
Topic: Other Hobbies

Anybody should be able to hear with forty-four ears!

I got FORTY-FOUR EARS OF CORN in my garden. I've mentioned before that this is the first time I have grown corn and I am totally jazzed that this crop came out so well. I blanched it all and froze it on the cob. That's the way we like it and it will be great having corn on the cob all winter long.



Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 12:01 AM PDT
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Indigo, Violet, Purple or Plum
Topic: Other Hobbies

I harvested my first plant of purple potatoes! I had no idea what size they would turn out and I was excited to see that they are at least as big as the russets. Not sure how I will be cooking these - first I have to admire them for a few days, though.

Aren't these awesome?


Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 12:01 AM PDT
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Garden Update
Topic: Other Hobbies

Wow! The whole summer flew by and I forgot to show the progress of the garden. Surprised

So much of the produce has come and gone that there is not much to show at this point but we are still eating from it and a few things are just coming into their own. Tonight we had spinach, beets, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions and potatoes from the garden for dinner. I have white onions in the crisper, too.

The deer ate the strawberries right down to the stems and the blueberries produced two berries this year. No raspberries at all. None of the garlic came up. Lettuce did well but the deer snacked on that, too. Radishes did like every year - about half a dozen created radishes and the rest went right to seed. A re-planting did even worse with no radishes produced at all. Green beans did good, peas did fair and sugar snap peas did dismally.

Successes are green onions:



Potatoes - this is the first time I have grown potatoes and I planted three kinds: purple, Yukon gold, russet:

Tomatoes - I planted two regular and one cherry tomato plants. They are not loaded but all have a few fruit and they are just starting to ripen:

and, finally, sweet corn - this is the first time I have grown corn, too. It is doing GREAT!

Look at these cobs!!!

We'll be eating on this garden for quite a while yet.








Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 12:01 AM PDT
Monday, 26 December 2011
Christmas Creations
Topic: Other Hobbies

Just ONE (OK, technically 4) more Christmas project to share.

First up is the set of ornaments I made. I got the idea for these from one of the blogs I follow and actually bought the balls to make them with. I started with 6 red satin-glass balls, used glue dots to adhere a grosgrain ribbon around and attached a square of gold metallic cardstock to cover the seam. The center of the buckle is colored in with Sharpie marker. I did not have any black ribbon so I colored some cream ribbon with black alcohol ink.

The rest of the projects involve food - for the Christmas brunch we went to. I got the idea to make cucumber cups from a magazine but changed it up by peeling mine and making a filling of spicy crab salad for the filling. The centers are scooped out to make the cups.

Then from Google Images I got the idea to arrange the veggie tray as a Christmas tree. I used cauliflower for the snow, snap peas for the trunk, broccoli for the tree and decorated with yellow bell pepper strips, radishes and black olives. I shaved carrot over the top for color and served two kinds of dip in hollowed out bell peppers.

I made a wreath for the fruit tray using cantaloupe, honeydew, and pineapple rings (cut in half). The pineapple centers each got a grape and the spaces between these got half of a strawberry. I cut slices of the cantapoupe and carved them to make a bow for the center.

Still eating leftovers...



Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:00 AM PST
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Root Vegetables
Topic: Other Hobbies

This year's garden was a dismal failure! I attribute this to the cold and wet spring that lasted through June. I did have success with beets and cherry tomatoes, with sweet onions and green onions. Everything else either came up and had a weak production or the seeds didn't even sprout.

For example, here is a photo of my entire carrot harvest.

This is from a single oak barrel (all of my garden is planted in these). They carrots looked great from the top but when I pulled some they were very stunted. I ended up pulling the whole crop and only one carrot was over 2 inches long.

I scrubbed them and grated the whole lot which made enough for 12 loaves of carrot-pineapple bread.

The photo also shows the beet harvest minus the two I pulled earlier in the summer. These were some tasty beets, too. I boil them in the skins, plunge into cold water, slip the skins, slice, saute in butter, season with salt and pepper. Just like candy!

Next year had better be a good harvest or I may have to give up on the whole gardening 'thing'. Either I'm not good at it, the oak barrels are not suitable, or it takes more time/attention than I am giving it. Since none of those variables are going to change I have better things to do with my energy than fuss over vegetables that don't want to cooperate.

Stay tuned...


Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:00 AM PDT
Monday, 24 May 2010
Back to the Land
Topic: Other Hobbies

Another year, another garden.

A couple of new things this year: I put in both sweet onions and white onions in addition to the green spring onions. And for the tomato selections I went to a high yield cherry tomato, a roma, and an heirloom mix. I am going to try growing the larger tomatoes in the hanging planters I've seen on TV. For the time being I have them in starter trays and will move them once they are established plants.

As I was weeding the barrels in preparation for planting I was fascinated by the way each barrel has it's own little specialty in the weed department. One barrel is heavy on the thistles, another has these weird weeds that 'pop' and spray seeds when you touch them. Then there are some kind of vines that have purple flowers and a real sticky stem, and in yet another barrel there are milkweed. I've found grass in some, too, but the most FUN is finding the walnuts from across the road that the squirrels have buried in the soil. A few of them sprout but most are just hanging out. This year I found three of them.



Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:00 AM PDT
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Cheater P(l)ants
Topic: Other Hobbies

I have this little voice in the back of my head that insists it is cheating to call it gardening if you buy plants half grown and just put them in the dirt. Even more so if flowers are blooming in your garden at the moment you cover the roots with soil!

Alas, I have delayed so long in planting my garden this year that I stooped to the depths and bought tomato plants to plop in the ground. I'm SO ashamed (but hopefully will have tasty tomatoes out of it).

However, the rest of the barrels (11 of them) have been planted with their little seeds in the manner of proper gardening.

I planted on Monday afternoon. Here on Thursday afternoon I have three barrels sprouting.

Here's the spinach:

The lettuce:

and the radishes:

Yeah, I know they're small - but for only three days old...

The other thing is that they look pretty much the same. Good thing I labeled the barrels:



I did all the lettering with a chisel point marker upside-down leaning over the barrel! Pretty good, huh?


Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:00 AM PDT
Monday, 22 September 2008
Apple Harvest Decorations
Topic: Other Hobbies

This last weekend was a ladies event at church. I was asked to do the decorations and chose to do an 'apple harvest' theme. The fabric was from JoAnn Fabrics, the candles I had left over from a previous project, and everything else (frupt, plates, wreaths) was from Dollar Tree!

This is the centerpiece used on 8 round tables: 

This is the topper for the piano:


This is the backdrop for the food table:



Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:00 AM PDT
Saturday, 8 September 2007
Today We Are OUT of the Studio
Now Playing: playing with blocks
Topic: Other Hobbies

Hubby and I have been playing with blocks! BIG blocks. After living in our house for over 18 years we finally decided to put in some landscaping in the front. We started last weekend and finished this new flowerbed today.

I will be planting ferns in back, hostas in the center, coleus in the front. We want to have some color and it is in perpetual shade - all seasons and all times of the day. I still have to research the best time to plant all of these, but when the time is right WE ARE READY!

Ddd studio3d@ccwebster.net



Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 7:36 PM PDT
Monday, 30 July 2007
More Wild in Oregon
Now Playing: non-bird visitors and residents of my backyard
Topic: Other Hobbies

As promised, here's a list of animals that hang out or pass through our back yard:





Garter Snakes



Black-tail deer

Red Fox



Cottontail Rabbits


Ground Squirrels




Green Tree Frogs

Oregon Newts


Yep, It's WILD outside!

Ddd studio3d@ccwebster.net  

Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:00 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 30 July 2007 1:10 PM PDT
Sunday, 29 July 2007
Wild in Oregon
Now Playing: birdwatching in my backyard
Topic: Other Hobbies

There is a certain fascination with birds, and I watch for different ones wherever I go. Around my own area I log in my copy of Familiar Birds of the Northwest (Harry B Nehls) with the date, location, and something about their activities. I log each bird only once - the first sighting.

We have just over 2 1/3 acres of countryside with a creek, scrub, conifers, fruit trees, pasture, some hardwoods, and 200 feet of the Oregon Trail. On this property, since moving here in 1989, I have observed (*most common marked by stars):

*Great Blue Heron


Turkey Vulture

Sharp-shinned Hawk

*Red-tailed Hawk

Blue Grouse

*California Quail

Ring-necked Pheasant


*Mourning Dove

Short-eared Owl

*Rufous Hummingbird

*Red-shafted Flicker

Pileated Woodpecker

*Downy Woodpecker

Red-breasted Sapsucker

Williamson's Sapsucker

Ash-throated Flycatcher

*Stellar's Jay

*Scrub Jay

*Common Crow

Black-capped Chickadee


*Varied Thrush

*American Robin

Cedar Waxwing

European Starling

*House Sparrow

Red-winged Blackbird

Brown-headed Cowbird

Brewer's Blackbird

Western Tanager

American Goldfinch

*House Finch

Rufous-sided Towhee

*Oregon Junco

Golden-crowned Sparrow

White-crowned Sparrow

Barn Swallows


More wildlife tomorrow!

Ddd studio3d@ccwebster.net  

Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:00 AM PDT
Updated: Monday, 30 July 2007 1:11 PM PDT
Monday, 23 July 2007
Open Wide
Now Playing: Pick and eat dinner
Topic: Other Hobbies

My husband fancies me a gardener. However, I grow nothing successfully as far as houseplants (including cactus), or landscaping. I'm also the only person alive who cannot grow zucchini!

A few years ago, said hubby brought in several half-barrels and filled them up with good garden mix. I have a modicum of success growing a few garden vegetables each summer - except any kind of squash or melon. This year I added some little pots with herbs.

Here's the lineup this year: carrots, yellow onions, green onions, sweet peas, parsley, sage, beets, green beans, rosemary, radishes, thyme, beefsteak tomatos, cherry tomatos, marjoram, cucumbers, basil, spinach, and lettuce. The radishes and spinach are starting in on their second crop.


Yum Yum!

Ddd studio3d@ccwebster.net

Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:00 AM PDT
Friday, 13 July 2007
Good Food
Now Playing: sharing from my recipe files
Topic: Other Hobbies

Are you going to be entertaining this summer - or have you been asked to bring a dish for a get-together? My son gave me this recipe for a spicy relish to be eaten as a dip with tortilla chips. Oh Yeah! This is good!


2 15-oz cans black eyed peas

1 15-oz can black beans

1 15-oz can yellow niblet corn

2 small cans chopped green chilies

1 15-oz can white shoe peg corn

1 16-oz bottle Italian dressing

1 bunch spring onions, chopped

1 bell pepper, deseeded and chopped

2 jalapeno peppers, deseeded and chopped.

3 tomatoes, chopped

Drain & rinse all wet ingredients, combine with chopped ingredients. Pour in dressing and mix well. Marinate at least overnight. Drain and serve with tortilla chips. Makes 3 to 3.5 quarts.

Ddd studio3d@ccwebster.net

Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:00 AM PDT
Monday, 2 July 2007
Collecting Boxes
Now Playing: disclosing my other collectin hobby
Topic: Other Hobbies

I mentioned a couple of days ago that I collect two things. The first was foreign coins and the second in boxes. It started out when my dear hubby and I were dating and he bought me this box with a gift of perfume in it.

Like the coin hobby by husband buys be boxes as gifts and I buy them wherever we travel. Family buy them for me and many have been hand made as well. In fact, I have made a number of the boxes in my collection.

I have no idea how many boxes I have, though this display holds most of them. Too understand the scale of this, the length is 6 feet and the height 2 feet (plus that bit on the next shelf down ;-)

The largest box I have? I guess that would be my cedar chest built by my brother-in-law. The smallest is this

Ddd studio3d@ccwebster.net  

Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 5:00 AM PDT
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Coin Collecting
Now Playing: On collecting foreign coins
Topic: Other Hobbies

There are two things that I collect. One of these is foreign coins. I think the whole thing started when my mom got a Bolivian penny in some change back when I was a kid. Coins have held a fascination for me ever since.

I pick them up when I travel, friends send them from their own countries and my husband buys them for me from a local coin shop. The shop only really deals in US coins so when they get foreign coins at estate sales and such they just toss them in a box and sell them by the pound.

I sort the coins by country, then by denomination and save only one of each issue style. Whatever I have left in duplicates I use in crafts or donate to the Boy Scouts to use in their merit badges of coin collecting.

The ones I keep are marked in my catalog and filed in coin holder in drawers. I also keep a computer log of countries and the number of coins I have from each one. At last count I had 1179 different coins from 121 countries.

I do collect a few US coins. Mostly the state quarters, the presidential dollars, the westward nickels, and very antique coins.

I'll tell you about my other collection another day.

Ddd studio3d@ccwebster.net  

Posted by studio3d@ccgmail.net at 6:56 AM PDT

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